

Due to the relevance of hospital services and the new requirements, changed through cost and quality pressure as well as demographic, ethnic and relational diversity, hospitals have to achieve an increased performance and productivity through consequent process orientation with a special emphasis on the human factor and its diversity.


Produktionssteigerung mittels konsequenter Prozessorientierung

Overall, the joint research project service4health has to build an innovative concept as a foundation for the development and trial of new concepts for an enhanced productivity, based on a process oriented organization of hospital services. The innovative business processes and their support processes must accommodate the human diversity. In order to meet this requirement for hospital services, three topics have to be combined:

  • Productivity measurement
  • Productivity assessment
  • Productivity enhancement

Briefly, the objective of this joint research project is the development and the trial of concepts and measures for productivity enhancement in hospitals, including the human factor and its ethnic and demographic diversity as well as the diverse employment agreements (relational diversity), based on a consequent process orientation. In order to assess the productivity a holistic productivity index will be developed, which comprises hard as well as soft key performance indicators. Capable project and value partners are available for the measurement, assessment and trial of the productivity index.