Kathrin Harre
The Sana hospital Rügen is a hospital with seven units and a capacity of 240 beds. Furthermore it serves as university teaching hospital for the University of Greifswald. A staff of 432 people is providing care for 11,597 in- and 10,579 out-patients per annum. Managing partner of the hospital is the Sana Clinics AG. Due to the special condition of the hospital being the only health service provider on Rügen, the hospital has become a health center for the whole island. Therefore the demographic change has a strong effect on the hospital.
A consequent process alignment in combination with a redesign of the process system shall increase the productivity of the Sana hospital Rügen. Furthermore the demographic development of the patients and the staff and the influence of diversity will be analyzed. The application of flexible labor agreements, temporary work and different occupational groups will be analyzed. Adopted functions of general practitioners and the rising medical tourism have an additional impact on the process system. The results of the project “Service4Health” will be used to develop a successful change management in order to meet the present challanges.
Dipl.-Freizeitwiss. Kathrin Harre
Projektmanagerin Sana-Krankenhaus Rügen GmbH
Calandstr. 7 / 8
18528 Bergen
Tel.: +49 (0) 3838 / 31 501 67
Fax.: +49 (0) 3838 / 31 501 69
E-Mail: harre(at)gesundheitsinsel-ruegen.de